Electric Vehicle
The modern technological world is evolving rapidly, as the new inventions have been introduced, the main focus lies upon lessening the pollution in the environment. The developing world is continually trying to ease up human efforts without creating any damage to the surrounding nature.

Portable Lighting
The rechargeable batteries are a vital part of the portable lightening. The power of portable batteries depends on the amount of charging of that particular battery. More charges the battery can handle, the more power it can supply to an instrument or any device when needed. A rechargeable battery can have the capacity of running a car or even lighting the whole house.

Solar Energy Storage
The source of energy like electricity or solar power is very important to the modern technological world, running a computer, charging for mobile, or even for domestic purposes in the house such as lights, microwave, and so on. What if this energy or power goes off due to some technical problem or natural hazards? The world will come to a standstill if the power goes off due to any issue.

Consumer Electronics
The rechargeable batteries have bought an excellent revolution in finding the solution for the power supply to various appliances. The main power supply to electrical or other mechanical devices would be electricity, petrol, diesel or solar. However, rechargeable batteries can provide the necessary power supply to portable devices or any appliances during the emergencies.